Beauty Services & Wellness Policies
Hello, Gorgeous!
As I navigate the beauty world in the aftermath of a global pandemic, I wanted to share with you updates I have made to Rosie Hunter Artistry to ensure the utmost safety for all parties involved. I am continually revamping my hygiene practices as well as health guidelines for appointments. The goal is to have full transparency between the client and artist, and I thank you in advance for your cooperation. This is truly an unprecedented time, but I know with these extra steps we can continue to create beautiful moments together. I thank you so much for your continued support of my small business, and I look forward to seeing your beautiful face soon!
xoxo, Rosie
Rosie is fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19, as are all members of her home.
• Rosie Hunter Artistry follows all CDC Guidelines pertaining to COVID-19.
• If you have been knowingly exposed to COVID-19, or any of your family members have tested positive, your appointment must be rescheduled 10 days after your positive test or known exposure. Thank you so much for keeping me and my family safe. I promise to do the same for yours. You will not be charged for missing your appointment, and there will be no rescheduling fee.
• If Rosie tests positive she will inform you ASAP and reschedule your appointment. For Bridal clients please refer to your contract for full COVID policies.
• If Rosie is exposed to COVID, but tests negative, she will give clients the option to keep their appointments. Rosie will not hold appointments at her home if her family is sick. Rosie will wear a KN95 Mask and continue to follow CDC Guidelines. Clients have the option to reschedule without a fee.
• Clients will be called or texted 1-2 nights before their appointment to be screened briefly for attendance. The appointment cannot happen without this exchange.
If you are unwell please reschedule your appointment. This includes any flu-like symptoms (fever, sore throat, nausea, chills, vomiting, etc).
If you show up to your appointment and appear unwell, Rosie reserves to the right to not perform beauty services.
If you have any open wounds, sores, or weeping blemishes on your face Rosie cannot put makeup on them for sanitary reasons. This includes anything on the lips.
If you have any symptoms of Monkey Pox your appointment MUST be rescheduled.
Severe allergies do not warrant a reschedule. Please communicate to Rosie if you are suffering from allergies but are otherwise healthy for your appointment.
• Artist will use 99.9% germ eliminating brush spray
• Artist will have separate bag for used brushes
• Artist will work off of a stainless-steel face palette when necessary and sanitize the palette between clients
• Artist will use disposable applicators on lashes, lips, and lash glue
• Artist will sanitize all makeup & palettes between clients
• Artist will use airbrush makeup whenever appropriate
• Artist will use a fresh, sanitized beauty blender for each client
• Artist will sanitize hands frequently during the session and limit facial touching